Ada Cartianu began to write children poems at the age of 5 under the influence of her grandfather Eftimie Cartianu who introduced her to the world of poetry and literature. She had her own questions about life, God, human beings, from a very early age. She began to study Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, Rousseau etc. at the age of 12. In mean time she read Romanian philosophers Petre Tutea, Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Constantin Noica. Her own thoughts, after years of questioning herself and study became the book "Behind the are alive" finished at the age of 18 and published volume at Publishing House of Academic Foundation Danubius, 2001.
* At the age of 22 she begin writing the book "The sadness of a happy man" introducing the reader to his deepest inner of happiness and sadness in a revolution of feelings, passions and fears as a revelation of life and inspiration. Volume Published in October 2006.
* She wrote the next book "The innocence of the sin" at the age of 23 as a fight against church, religious stereotypes, death, eternity, human weakness and virtues, expressing her own ideas about Divinity, Life and Universe. Volume Published in 2004 first Edition and January 2007 Second Edition..
* During the ages of 23 to 25 encouraged by the actors Andrei Duban, George Ivascu, Lamia Beligan, Vlad Ivanov and Producer Alice Barb from the National Theatre of Bucharest actor Dan Bordeianu from Nottara Theatre - Bucharest, actor, film director and author Emanuel Parvu, Ada Cartianu challenged her skills writing theatre scripts like "Morgana", "Eros and Thanatos", "The woman behind the cross", "Under the Shade of a Bug", "Rehab for Lovers", "Nothing to Say".
* In the summer of 2004, at 25 years old, she wrote and published the book "Dust in my eyes" in a small edition considering the subject more personal. The book is an absurd revelation of love, betrayal, friendship, madness and freedom.
* In 2008 she published "The Emperor Penguin", a book about
an absurd mystical world where the free spirited people have
the only chance to be free, to live with passion for beauty,
art, ideas and nature.